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How would we turn out to be great at concentrating?

How would we turn out to be great at concentrating?

We Begin by understanding the Brain...



We all have a psyche , it is the most amazing asset in the universe.

why?because once you know how the mind functions you totally can control it and once you control you can center it_you can't control or center focus something you dont how does the mind function?

there are 2 things that you have to get it

1) the mindfulness

2)the personality

Imagine awareness is a glowing ball of light like an orb that can float around.
then imagine the mind as a vast space ,a vast area with many different section.

one territory of the psyche is happiness,sex,joy, craftsmanship, nourishment, science,anger..

what's more, this shining bundle of light call Awareness_which can go inside the psyche and it can go to any territory of the mind it needs to go to.

when it goes to a specific zone of the mind it ligths up that area,when it illuminates that territory of the mind,you end up conscious of it and this is the thing that happens all day_ we enable individuals and things around us to take our mindfulness starting with one region of the mind then onto the next throughout the day along.

from the time we wake up and along these lines we wind up diverted .

To be concentrated is to have the capacity to keep your mindfulness on one thing for a reached out of time .

How would we practice this?

we practice this by completing one thing at once for the duration of the day.

so now the inquiry is?

what's the most ideal approach to create focus?

ask yourself the open doors during your time in your normal day, ask to youself what's an extraordinary chance to rehearse concentration?

what number of you have a child , an accomplice or a companion that you live with?

very few of you ,everytime you address your child _keep the ball of light that mindfulness on your child.if it floats away bring it back ,floats away bring it back, give child undivided attention.

the appropriate response is to bring that training into our regular day to day existence.

Learn concentration first, because the benefit of concentration are endless,correct?
that's one single statement you need to know .

when you able to concentrate you are able to focus all your energy into a single given point.why this so important part of this issue just because Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing_and if you cant concentrate your energy things that you want to manifest in your life  becomes very very challenging.

so learn concentrate by doing one thing at a time.

bring this training into everything that you do all through the day.make it a piece of your life ,practice and practice_at whatever it is we practice,whether it's sure or negative it doesnt matter , on the off chance that you work on something again and again and over again you turn out to be great at it.

hold bringing mindfulness back and keep it concentrated on one thing at any given moment.

you have the decision to do that, since no one is holding a firearm to your head saying:"you need to assosiate with these individuals " or " you need to do these thing"

NO_ You have do choose them.



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